Aruba Caribbean Bar
Stodolní 31, Ostrava
A cocktail bar with a pleasant atmosphere Caribbean and Latin Music!
Bar Ikarus
The station 34, Ostrava
Gay bar Ikarus located in the center of Ostrava on Nádražní street near Stodolní.
Black Star
Stodolní 2, Ostrava
Cafe Black Star offers comfortable seating, good coffee, breakfast, garden and all this at the beginning Stodolní. Co jste...
Golden Age
Škroupova 4, Ostrava
Golden Age je gay bar, cocktail bar and music club on Stodolní street in the city center. It offers quiet and ...
MEX Heineken
Stodolní 17, Ostrava
A newly renovated bar Koxovna dance on the bar and comfortable seating in the middle Stodolní.