The pub is located near Stodolní. On weekdays served daily menu, otherwise specialty beer, ribs, koleno. Možnost pořádání oslav a večírků.
Place Categories: Bars, Pubs and RestaurantPlace Tags: menu of the day and beer
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Address : Janáčkova 3, Ostrava
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Time : After - Fri 10:00 - 24:00, So 11:00 - 24:00
Phone : +420 596 124 909, +420 722 606 963
Peasant Jizba 0
Restaurant proclaims, it is a paradise Czech and regional specialties - sirloin,
Plaster Hedgehog 1
Unusual stylish property with a large bar, nekuřáckým prostředím a kulturními
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These pages reflect the state of Stodolní street in the year 2021. A lot of things have changed again since then. Current information may not correspond to reality. But you can look, how it used to be…