Mulata bar is newly renovated, air-conditioned dance club with professional bartenders. In summer opened an outdoor bar.
Place Categories: BarsPlace Tags: air conditioning, Credit cards, dance, wifi and garden
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lištván, 18.6.2015 22:29 business - Mulata Bar 1/5
Mazec, samý f***k, k***y a zlatokopky. A ten plešatý pitomec taky stojí za to.
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Address : Stodolní 21, Ostrava
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Time : After, Out, CT 17:00 – 1:00, St, Fri, So 17:00 – 7:00
Phone : +420 775 722 461, +420 722 222 222
Rating : 1/5 based on 1 user review. Mulata Bar
Marhaba Kebab 1
Syrian-Turkish fast food with the opportunity to sit in air-conditioned
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These pages reflect the state of Stodolní street in the year 2021. A lot of things have changed again since then. Current information may not correspond to reality. But you can look, how it used to be…
lištván, 18.6.2015 22:29 business - Mulata Bar
Mazec, samý f***k, k***y a zlatokopky. A ten plešatý pitomec taky stojí za to.