Cafe Black Star offers comfortable seating, good coffee, breakfast, garden and all this at the beginning Stodolní.
černá hvězda ostrava, snídaně ostrava
Place Categories: CafesPlace Tags: food, cocktails, breakfast and wifi
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admin - Site Admin, 7.1.2015 10:30 business - Black Star 5/5
Excellent coffee and breakfast in the morning.
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Address : Stodolní 2, Ostrava
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Time : After - Th 7:30 - 22:00, Fri 7:30 - 24:00, So 13:00 - 24:00, Not 13:00 - 22:00
Phone : +420 775 246 644
Rating : 5/5 based on 1 user review. Black Star
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These pages reflect the state of Stodolní street in the year 2021. A lot of things have changed again since then. Current information may not correspond to reality. But you can look, how it used to be…
admin - Site Admin, 7.1.2015 10:30 business - Black Star
Excellent coffee and breakfast in the morning.