Gay bar Ikarus located in the center of Ostrava on Nádražní street near Stodolní.
Place Categories: BarsPlace Tags: cocktails, beer and dance
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Ikar, 23.11.2017 13:01 business - Bar Ikarus 2/5
Business, which is more like a sports pub. Just look, as well as input…
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Address : The station 34, Ostrava
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Time : After - Th 17:00 – 5:00, Fri - So 19:00 – 5:00
Phone : +420 596 112 187
Rating : 2/5 based on 1 user review. Bar Ikarus
Istanbul Kebab 1
River City 0
Taneční klub ve dvoře na Poděbradově ulici za restaurací Ojero nabízí příjemné
Sadness Bar 0
Portuguese first bar on Stodolní. The choice of many cocktails, great event for everyone
Bavarian Beerhouse 0
This is a stylish Bavarian pub, we are shooting beer into the traditional small brewers,cs
Moravian cottage 0
Stylish Moravian restaurant near
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These pages reflect the state of Stodolní street in the year 2021. A lot of things have changed again since then. Current information may not correspond to reality. But you can look, how it used to be…
Ikar, 23.11.2017 13:01 business - Bar Ikarus
Business, which is more like a sports pub. Just look, as well as input…