Shuttle Stodolní

How to get Stodolní street? Yes indeed inflects Stodolni and not to misinterpret the media as neostravská “to Stodolní”. Stodolní Street is located in the center of Ostrava. You can get there by all possible means available.

Coordinates beginning Stodolní street from the street Nádražní: 49.836070, 18.285932


If you drive on the highway D47 (D1) from Brno or from Bohumín, Take a right at the exit 361. mile and turn towards the center of Ostrava.

By bus

You can arrive by bus at the bus station in the city center at the store ÚAN New Karolina. Then walk across bridges Frýdlanstské towards the center.

By train

Train directly at the train station Stodolní, which is situated at the end of the street Stodolní. Alternatively, it is far more stop with more links – Ostrava – Center. Then walk the same route as the bus.


Trolley ride to the final stop of Republic Square and then walk around the city 112 and the underpass to the street Stodolní.


The tram will take you directly to the beginning Stodolní, stop Stodolní street.


There is also a plethora of taxisluřeb, which will take you to the place.

Useful links – The public transport company Ostrava – MHD, trams, buses, trolleybuses

Timetables – long-distance bus and train connections, MHD

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These pages reflect the state of Stodolní street in the year 2021. A lot of things have changed again since then. Current information may not correspond to reality. But you can look, how it used to be…

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